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Atomic Force Microscopy
Low Temperature Microscopy
Measurement & Characterization Systems
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"The LT-SHPM allows us to correlate magnetic signals, measured at spatial resolutions down to 100nm, with nanoscale topographic sample features while the hpSPM DSP controller permits very rapid scan rates and can simultaneously capture up to 16 imaging channels with 24 Bit resolution. This advanced capability has increasingly enabled us to start exploring the dynamic properties of vortices in type II superconductors and domain walls in ferromagnetic films, directly identify nanoscale pinning sites and extend imaging studies up to much higher magnetic fields."
Professor Simon Bending
University of Bath
"The LT-AFM/MFM system allows us to perform studies on functional materials to investigate magnetic, piezoelectric and morphological characteristics with nanoscale spatial resolution. The versatility of the system to switch between different measuring modes, and the possibility of working under applied magnetic fields, offers us the possibility to establish structure-property relationships, fundamental to the understanding, design, and use of materials. We are currently applying this technique to the study of vortices dynamics in layered superconductors, and the investigation of ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterojunctions for spintronic applications."
Dr. Carmen Munuera
Material Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC)
Associate Professor Özgür Özer
"We use the hpSPM controller to run a Scanning Probe Microscope in UHV with multiple acquisition channels. With a built-in Fiber Interferometer Controller, it particularly allows us to do simultaneous STM/AFM measurements on various surfaces with atomic resolution. Fine control of the fiber-cantilever distance increases the sensitivity in the detection of cantilever deflection. This permits the use of sub-Ångström oscillation amplitudes which is crucial for quantitative force measurements and true simultaneous measurement of forces and tunnel currents."
Istanbul Technical University

What is Atomic Force Microscope?Binnig, Quate, and Gerber demonstrated atomic force microscopy (AFM) as a high-resolution non-optical imaging technology in 1985. Since then, it has evolved into a strong surface analysis measuring tool. AFM provides for precise and non-destructive measurements of a sample surface's topographical, electrical, magnetic, chemical, optical, mechanical, and other properties in air, liquids, or ultrahigh vacuum. AFM's unique set of capabilities makes it useful in the world's most advanced research and technology labs.
How does an AFM works?A sharp tip is raster-scanned over a surface utilizing a feedback loop to alter settings needed to image a surface, similar to how a Scanning Tunneling Microscope works. The Atomic Force Microscope, unlike Scanning Tunneling Microscopes, does not require a conducting sample. The tip-sample contact is mapped using atomic forces rather than the quantum mechanical effect of tunneling. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) techniques exist for practically every measurable force interaction - van der Waals, electrical, magnetic, and thermal – and are commonly referred to as scanning probe microscopy (SPM). Modified tips and software changes are required for some of the more advanced procedures. Atomic Force Microscopy normally includes two components: Deflection and Force Measurement, in addition to Angstrom-level positioning and feedback loop control.
What is the distinction between an AFM and an SPM? What are STM, SFM, and other terms?Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) stands for Atomic Force Microscope. After some initial work with STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy), AFM was developed. AFM evolved into Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM), Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy (SNOM), and other variations. There are a plethora of such techniques that, while they all use the same scanning a probe close to the sample surface method as the AFM, they often measure different properties. Scanning Probe Microscopy refers to the combination of these related techniques (SPM). Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM), which is a synonym for AFM, is another term that is occasionally used.
What types of samples can AFM analyze? What are some of the uses of AFM?Basically, AFM can examine almost any solid object! In no particular order, here is a short list of SOME samples: Polymers Metals Hair, synthetic fibres, and nanotubes are examples of fibers. Micro-, nanoparticles, and quantum dots are examples of particles. Self-assembled monolayers, for example, are molecules that are covalently bound to a surface. Nucleic acids, proteins, and a variety of other molecules that are not bound to a surface Minerals Lipid bilayers, Langmuir-Blodgett films Mammalian, Bacterial, Plant, and Other Cells Viruses Ceramics Leaves, fruit, and other plant surfaces Paper In other words, if it has a solid surface, AFM can image it. Even some work on gel and liquid surfaces has been reported.
Can we scan in liquid?Yes. One of the most important features of AFM is that it can be used in vacuum, air, or liquid. It is almost always necessary to use a liquid cell. Top-down AFMs, for example, don't always require one; sometimes all you need is a drop of water on your sample to scan in. Organic liquids, as long as they don't damage the liquid cell and can be held on the sample, can be used instead of water or buffer.