LT-AFM/MFM | Low Temperature Microscope
The LT-AFM/MFM is an alignment-free Atomic Force Microscopy system equipped with a Fibre Interferometer operating at 1310 nm, 15 fm/√Hz noise level with an operation range of 20mK-300K, and up to 16T magnetic field.

Low Temperature AFM/MFM
NanoMagnetics Instruments LT-AFM/MFM
The LT-AFM/MFM is an alignment-free Atomic Force Microscopy system equipped with a Fibre Interferometer operating at 1310 nm, 15 fm/√Hz noise level with an operation range of 20mK-300K, and up to 16T magnetic field.
The alignment-free design creates an user friendly utilization; the Fibre Interferometer carries the light by means of a fibre cable with respect to the end of the cantilever, and is used to measure the deflection of the cantilever;
Meanwhile providing a 10nm magnetic resolution at 4K. Alignment chips with three protrusions compatible with commercial cantilevers eliminate the need of optical alignment by the end user.
The LT-AFM/MFM allows the characterization of materials by offering various imaging modes; Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy, Magnetic Force Microscopy, Electric Force Microscopy, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, Conductive AFM.
The instrumentation and the unique design of the LT-AFM/MFM microscope allows it to be customized for different cryostat dimensions.
The microscope head consists of two concentrical piezotubes; the inner piezo tube for scanning and the outer for sample positioning.
The scanning piezo is composed of quadrant electrodes and a dither piezo to dither the cantilever and comes with three different options upon request.
The sample approach is done by a stick-slip motion; allowing 10mm motion in Z and Ø3mm in XY, with a sensitivity of 50nm.
Electronic signals are generated by the powerful LT-AFM/MFM elctronic via BNC outputs; transferred to the microscope through LEMO connections.
Scan Head Options
Ultra Large Area
200x200x7.2μm @ 300K
50x50x4.8μm @77K
30x30x2.4μm @4.2K
Large Area
150x150x7μm @ 300K
36x36x1.8μm @77K
18x18x0.8μm @4.2K
Standard Area
52x52x4.8μm @ 300K
14x14x1.2μm @77K
6x6x0.5μm @4.2K
Ultra Low Noise LT-AFM with Fabry-Perot Interferometer
The new fiber Fabry-Pérot interferometer integrated to our low temperature atomic force/magnetic force microscope (LT-AFM/MFM) is operating in the 4–300 K temperature range. A multilayer dielectric mirror coated optical fiber is used to achieve unprecedented 1 fm/√Hz noise level, while the shot noise limit is 0.51 fm/√Hz. The cavity length is adjustable, and the fiber can be brought within a very close proximity of the cantilever using a dedicated 2 mm stroke piezonanopositioner integrated on the piezotube scanner. The same nanopositioner also is used to park the fiber at a safe parking location during cantilever exchange.
Scan Head Options
Ultra Large Area
200x200x7.2μm @ 300K
50x50x4.8μm @77K
30x30x2.4μm @4.2K
Large Area
150x150x7μm @ 300K
36x36x1.8μm @77K
18x18x0.8μm @4.2K
Standard Area
52x52x4.8μm @ 300K
14x14x1.2μm @77K
6x6x0.5μm @4.2K