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LT-SHPM/STM | Low Temperature Microscope

With the help of a micron-sized semiconductor Hall sensor probe, our LT-SHPM enables user to map the surface Hall voltage V H as a function of position, which directly gives the spatial distribution of the local magnetic induction.

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Low Temperature Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy&Scanning Tunneling Microscopy


With the help of a micron-sized semiconductor Hall sensor probe, our LT-SHPM enables user to map the surface Hall voltage V H as a function of position, which directly gives the spatial distribution of the local magnetic induction.

SHPM systems provides a resolution of ~1 μm imaging with high magnetic field sensitivity. Unlike the magnetic force microscope the SHPM provides direct quantitative information on the magnetic materials without destructing samples. The SHPM can also image magnetic induction under applied fields up to ~16 tesla and over a wide range of temperatures (millikelvins to 300 K). Together with Hall probes, this microscope can be used with STM and QTF probes to conduct Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Imaging and Non-Contact Mode Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging with Quartz Tuning Fork probes.


The LT-STM operates down to 10 mK and provides an atomic resolution. We can adapt the LT-STM system to your available cryostat system and customize it’s design due to your requirements.

Get in touch for more details regarding the low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy technique and our solutions.

Scan Head Options

Ultra Large Area

200x200x7.2μm @ 300K

50x50x4.8μm @77K

30x30x2.4μm @4.2K

Large Area

150x150x7μm @ 300K

36x36x1.8μm @77K

18x18x0.8μm @4.2K

Standard Area

52x52x4.8μm @ 300K

14x14x1.2μm @77K

6x6x0.5μm @4.2K


+44 186 552 29 89

NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd. Suite 290, 266 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7DL

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