NV-CENTRE CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY | Low Temperature Microscope
LT-SCM works by passing a laser beam through a light source aperture which is focused by an objective lens into a small area on the surface of the sample and an image is built up pixel-by-pixel by collecting the emitted photons from sample surface.

Scanning Confocal Microscope – NV Center
NanoMagnetics Instruments LT-SCM with NV-Center
LT-SCM works by passing a laser beam through a light source aperture which is focused by an objective lens into a small area on the surface of the sample and an image is built up pixel-by-pixel by collecting the emitted photons from sample surface. LT-SCM provides a high-resolution image with all areas in focus throughout the field of view, even for a sample having dents and protrusions on the surface. It enables the non-contact and non-destructive measurements at variable temperatures.
Product Specifications
High NA APO Objective, 0.82NA / 0.95mm
532nm, SLM 10mW Laser
30x30x15μm Scan area @4K
49mm Outer Diameter
10mK to 300K temperature range
APD for optical detection
8 pin connections for experiments
6x6x12mm Range XYZ Sample Nanopositioner
4x4x6mm Range XYZ Nanopositioner for NV/QTF Sensor
200nm resolution resistive position sensors
State of the Art Ultra Low Noise FPGA Based
AFM Controller with High speed USB interface
32 Bit Real time Processor with 128MB DDR SDRAM
2 Channel 16Bit/100MHz ADC
2 Channel 16Bit/100MHz DAC
7 Digital PID Loops on FPGA
19 Channel Piezo Nanopositioner Controller
16 Channel 24Bit/175kHz ADC
24 Bit DACs for XYZ Scan Signals
Low Noise High Voltage Amplifiers